Virus, Spyware, Malware Removal, Defense, & Tune Up  - Call

On Site Service Available                                                               - Call

Wireless Networking                                                           - Call

Hardware Installation and upgrades                                  - Call

Software Installation and upgrades                                    - Call

Operating System Installation with updates                    - Call

Remote Assistance & Consulting                                     $35.00 per hour

Desktop Computer Cleaning                                                - Call

Laptop Computer Cleaning                                                  - Call

Computer files transfer and setup                                      - Call

per hour service for new or replacement computer

Computer File Automated Backup                                      - Call

Computer File Recovery                                                     - Call

Computer, Printer, Monitor Proper Environmental Disposal

call for pricing

*Prices subject to change. Hardware and taxes not included.

**Price includes software. Certain restrictions apply.


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